Let me start out by saying, I’m new to this whole blog thing…but I’ve been told it is an important piece of growing The Horse Connection’s business and reach. I’ve been procrastinating for at least a year, and trying to figure out my way in to this thing called “blogging”. So here is what I have come up with….

As many of my customers know I had to retire my horse Sante this spring. It was completely unexpected, but it was the right thing to do for him. Suddenly for the first time in over 20 years I found myself horseless. First there was the sadness of saying goodbye to my best friend. Then there was the simple truth that I didn’t really know what to do with myself without a horse. I own a tack shop, am surrounded every day by horse people, and products. But there was no horse to start my day out with, to hug and kiss. I started realizing that so much of who I am, what makes me happy comes from my riding and my horses.

We all think about how much extra money, extra sleep, vacations we might have if it wasn’t for our riding. I quickly found out that money, sleep and vacations don’t replace the relationship I have with my horse. Don’t get me wrong, I love spending more time with my husband, doggies and kitties, but I was pretty miserable (my husband will agree)!

Fast forward (it seemed like slow motion) to the end of the summer, my amazing trainer partnered me with a new horse, Ollie. He is magical and I am in love with him. There is a huge smile on my face, the alarm goes off in the morning and I am excited to get up. Every day I am learning more and more. But for me, the biggest part is I have a new partner to love, learn with and just spend time brushing, grazing and hanging out with. For me this is my passion. Maybe I needed that reminder of being without, to remember how horses make me whole.

That brings me full circle to this blog. The Horse Connection is more than just a tack shop. The Horse Connection has always been about relationships. I cherish the relationships I have with customers. The support I had when Sante left, showed me that The Horse Connection is not just a store, it is a community of horse lovers who share in each other’s victories and losses. It is all of our passion for our sport and for our horses that connects us. 

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